Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Future Media

Media changes very fast like a LTE.
In our parents' generation, they thought that calling without wire happens only in their imaginary world.
They said that using phone outside was what they were talking about as it is a future thing that they never thought it would really happen.

Smartphone was not even a thing that they could imagine. This was revolution of this generation. Talking outside was already a new and suprised thing, but smartphone added even more on it. Furthermore, this was what they could only imagine and dreamed about. That actually happened as a science develope.

Hologram is the same thing as smartphone back then to us. People talk about this as an imaginary thing and only see it in the movie.
However, some people believe that will also come out one day like a smartphone. Moreover, there is actually many people already tried on it.

I believe that hologram will be invented soon and people will say the same thing like when smartphone came out. Later on, people will talk with the hologram and reading a moving newspaper instead of the smartphone.

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