Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Global Social Media

Social media is now in everywhere.
It goes through everywhere except where it cannot.

Many years ago, people from other countries could be a friend by exchanging letters calles "Penpal."

This was a REAL letter that you write on a letter paper and send it with a postage stamp on it. Some people put their country's coins and stamps, or their favorite stickers to let them have more memories about them.
It was very analog style, but it had more stories and memories in it.

People still can make friends from other countries, but in different ways. Not many of them are using Penpal anymore. May be none.
Instead, they have SNS to share their story. They cannot share their own country's coins and stamp, or their favorite stickers anymore, but they can conversate each other faster.

Not many country as now had an internet access, but the population of using internet access increased much more than before. And that is why people can now make friends through online. Faster and easier.

Advertisement on Media

There are too many advertisement on the medias these days. When people search for something, the advertisement appears firat even before an actual article appears.

There are few good, helpful advertisements; however, more bad and inappropriate advertisements than good ones. Especially on kids. Many moms show a youtube channel to their child. Even before the children video, it has adult kinds of advertisement videos.

On some articles, an advertisement of a scary movie stays there for whole time until he/she finishes reading the article. It freaks out for someone who gets very scares about it, but has to read that article. Not only scary things, but there are also disgusting, sad, unacceptable advertisements on them.

If the advertisements are related to what people are looking for, then it will be much more helful and happy for everyone, but many of them are totally not realated and it is even opposite of what they are looking for. That is why people hates about the advertisements on the media.